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Gait Biomechanics Lab

Welcome to the Gait Biomechanics Lab!

Research from the Gait Biomechanics Lab is aligned with the University of Guelph’s strategic plan under the theme, “Animal and Human Health and Well-being”. Broadly speaking, we are interested in understanding human movement across the lifespan, from childhood to older adulthood. With opportunities to engage in formal training in biomechanics and neuromotor control, members of the lab integrate these skills and technical expertise (e.g. development and testing of biomechanical modeling; application of clinical tests to ascertain neuromotor function) to explore a broad range of research questions.

The Gait Biomechanics Lab at the University of Guelph is an inclusive group of scientists that includes highly qualified persons (HQP)  from different training backgrounds. Former HQP in the lab have pursued own career goals and aspirations, including roles in industry, rehabilitation sciences and academia.