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Former Lab Members

Completed – PhD

  1. Rebecca Beau* (PhD) “Monitoring Changes in Physical Activity Levels and Intensity in Preschool Aged Children” Jan. 2018 – August 2021. *Completed 1st University of Guelph Cotutelle PhD program with University Bremen, Bremen Germany.
  2. Emily McIntosh (PhD) “Examining age-related change to muscle properties and their relationship with coordinate movement and balance control” Sept. 2015 – June 30 2020
  3. Timothy Worden (PhD), “Examination of dual-task training protocols to alter performance on a concurrent auditory Stroop and obstacle crossing dual-task test”, Sept. 2013 – August 2016.
  4. Andrew Huntley (PhD)“Characterizing changes in postural stability and variability during complex, whole-body movement due to ageing and following an unexpected loss of balance” Sept. 2014 – August 2016.
  5. Rebecca Reed-Jones (PhD), “Investigating the interactions between visual and vestibular input in the control of human movement”, Sept 2005 –April 2009.

Completed- MSc Thesis

  1. Benjamin Kissack (MSc) “Exploring the effects of working memory on foot placement accuracy in a visually targeted stepping task in a healthy young and older adult population.” Sept 2021 – August 2023.
  2. Hannah Coyle-Asbil (MSc) “Examining the ability of accelerometers to differentiate low amplitude movements and the influence of signal processing”. May 2019 – May 2021.
  3. Jenna Pitman (MSc) “Investigating the role of cognition to produce visually driven online obstacle avoidance strategies”. Sept 2018 – August 2020.
  4. Keaton Inkol, “Modeling stability during complex locomotor tasks”, Sept. 2016 – July 2018
  5. Dorelle Hinton (MSc) “Segmental control strategies used by children for adaptive locomotor tasks multi-task paradigms”. May 2013– April 2015.
  6. Emily McIntosh (MSc) “Comparing compensatory reactions in young and older adults in response to platform perturbations during gait”. Sept 2011– Aug 2013.
  7. Krista Madsen (MSc) “A Heads-On Approach to Flexor Fatigue and Balance in Standing”, Sept 2003 – Dec 2010. Two maternity leaves since 2003.
  8. Maxime Paquette (MSc) “Age-Related changes in locomotor avoidance strategies and dynamic stability in obstructed dual-task paradigms”. Sept 2007 – Aug 2009.
  9. Catherine Lowrey (MSc) “Investigating Age – Related Changes in Gaze Patterns and Avoidance Strategies Used When Negotiating Single and Multiple Obstacle”. Sept 2004 – Aug 2009.
  10. Jessica Berard (MSc) “Multiple obstacle avoidance strategies in adults and mid-childhood aged children”. Sept 2003 – Sept 2005.
  11. Rebecca Reed (MSc) “Ramped descent and directional changes: A new paradigm for investigating the anterior cruciate ligament during locomotor control.” Sept. 2003 – July 2005.

Completed- MSc Coursework

  1. Becky Breau (MSc) “Accelerometer location impacts measures of physical activity levels in preschool-aged children”, Sept 2016 – Dec 2017.
  2. David Shulman (MSc) “Age related alterations in reactionary stepping following a perturbed gait    initiation task”, May 2016 – Aug 2017.
  3. Rhianna Malcolm (MSc) “Can exercise improve mobility and balance in individuals with Parkinson’s Disease? A 10-week Pilot Study with two different exercise interventions” ,Sept. 2015 – Dec 2016.
  4. Melissa Gurney (MSc) “Lateral load carriage during obstacle avoidance: The effects of load position and mass”. Sept 2014 – Dec 2015.
  5. Andrea Scrivener (MSc) “Retrieval Dynamics of a Pointing Task, and Their Effect on Postural Control”, May 2014 – Aug 2015.
  6. Michael Bijman (MSc) “How does visual manipulation affect obstacle avoidance strategies used by athletes?”, Sept 2013 – Dec 2014.
  7. Joshua Fisher (MSc) “Obstacle avoidance strategies of healthy older adults”: The effects of obstacle motion, practice and success”, Sept 2014 – Aug 2015.
  8. Taylor Campbell (MSc) “A comparative study examining relationships between muscle weakness and functional measures of posture and gait”, May 2012– August 2013.
  9. Alicia Kokoszka (MSc) “Does the use of kinesiology type tape have a role in improving ankle proprioception and postural balance in elderly following a sagittal plane perturbation of the support surface during gait?”, Sept 2012– Dec 2013.
  10. Timothy Worden (MSc) “Obstacle avoidance while performing a concurrent cognitive task in healthy young adults: A dual-task training study”. Sept. 2011 – Dec 2012.
  11. Daniel Rapoport (MSc) “Age related differences in safe path selection: Determining the width that people will walk around or through an aperture.” Sept. 2010 – Dec 2011.
  12. Peri Abdulla (MSc) “Locomotor Adjustments for Obstacle Clearance in Healthy and Diabetic Children: A Dual Task Paradigm.” Sept. 2010 – Aug 2011.
  13. William Mitchell (MSc) “The effects of previous ankle injury on force transduction and stabilizing muscles during an ankle cut maneuver” Sept. 2010 – Aug 2011.
  14. Katherine Kruse (MSc) “Examining the relationship between falls risk and sarcopenia in two older adults populations”, Sept 2009 – Aug 2010.

Former Trainees (URA, USRA, Co-op and work study)

Undergraduate Research Assistants

2024   Jerry You (Co-op)

2024    Alexa Nguyen (work study)

2023    Julia Shannon (U of Guelph; Anne Daag Scholarship)

2023   Julia De Oliveria (U of Guelph CBS Summer Internship)

2022   Julia Shannon (UofGuelph President’s Scholar)

2021    Lisa Wedel, Bridget Coyle-Asbil, Aneesh Viswamohan

2020    Rayann Henderson

2020    Jake Chaput

2016    Keaton Inkol – NSERC funded

2015    Janine Mahoney

2014    Pratham Singh – NSERC funded

2014    Joel Winsor