Completed – PhD
- Rebecca Beau* (PhD) “Monitoring Changes in Physical Activity Levels and Intensity in Preschool Aged Children” Jan. 2018 – August 2021. *Completed 1st University of Guelph Cotutelle PhD program with University Bremen, Bremen Germany.
- Emily McIntosh (PhD) “Examining age-related change to muscle properties and their relationship with coordinate movement and balance control” Sept. 2015 – June 30 2020
- Timothy Worden (PhD), “Examination of dual-task training protocols to alter performance on a concurrent auditory Stroop and obstacle crossing dual-task test”, Sept. 2013 – August 2016.
- Andrew Huntley (PhD)“Characterizing changes in postural stability and variability during complex, whole-body movement due to ageing and following an unexpected loss of balance” Sept. 2014 – August 2016.
- Rebecca Reed-Jones (PhD), “Investigating the interactions between visual and vestibular input in the control of human movement”, Sept 2005 –April 2009.
Completed- MSc Thesis
- Benjamin Kissack (MSc) “Exploring the effects of working memory on foot placement accuracy in a visually targeted stepping task in a healthy young and older adult population.” Sept 2021 – August 2023.
- Hannah Coyle-Asbil (MSc) “Examining the ability of accelerometers to differentiate low amplitude movements and the influence of signal processing”. May 2019 – May 2021.
- Jenna Pitman (MSc) “Investigating the role of cognition to produce visually driven online obstacle avoidance strategies”. Sept 2018 – August 2020.
- Keaton Inkol, “Modeling stability during complex locomotor tasks”, Sept. 2016 – July 2018
- Dorelle Hinton (MSc) “Segmental control strategies used by children for adaptive locomotor tasks multi-task paradigms”. May 2013– April 2015.
- Emily McIntosh (MSc) “Comparing compensatory reactions in young and older adults in response to platform perturbations during gait”. Sept 2011– Aug 2013.
- Krista Madsen (MSc) “A Heads-On Approach to Flexor Fatigue and Balance in Standing”, Sept 2003 – Dec 2010. Two maternity leaves since 2003.
- Maxime Paquette (MSc) “Age-Related changes in locomotor avoidance strategies and dynamic stability in obstructed dual-task paradigms”. Sept 2007 – Aug 2009.
- Catherine Lowrey (MSc) “Investigating Age – Related Changes in Gaze Patterns and Avoidance Strategies Used When Negotiating Single and Multiple Obstacle”. Sept 2004 – Aug 2009.
- Jessica Berard (MSc) “Multiple obstacle avoidance strategies in adults and mid-childhood aged children”. Sept 2003 – Sept 2005.
- Rebecca Reed (MSc) “Ramped descent and directional changes: A new paradigm for investigating the anterior cruciate ligament during locomotor control.” Sept. 2003 – July 2005.
Completed- MSc Coursework
- Becky Breau (MSc) “Accelerometer location impacts measures of physical activity levels in preschool-aged children”, Sept 2016 – Dec 2017.
- David Shulman (MSc) “Age related alterations in reactionary stepping following a perturbed gait initiation task”, May 2016 – Aug 2017.
- Rhianna Malcolm (MSc) “Can exercise improve mobility and balance in individuals with Parkinson’s Disease? A 10-week Pilot Study with two different exercise interventions” ,Sept. 2015 – Dec 2016.
- Melissa Gurney (MSc) “Lateral load carriage during obstacle avoidance: The effects of load position and mass”. Sept 2014 – Dec 2015.
- Andrea Scrivener (MSc) “Retrieval Dynamics of a Pointing Task, and Their Effect on Postural Control”, May 2014 – Aug 2015.
- Michael Bijman (MSc) “How does visual manipulation affect obstacle avoidance strategies used by athletes?”, Sept 2013 – Dec 2014.
- Joshua Fisher (MSc) “Obstacle avoidance strategies of healthy older adults”: The effects of obstacle motion, practice and success”, Sept 2014 – Aug 2015.
- Taylor Campbell (MSc) “A comparative study examining relationships between muscle weakness and functional measures of posture and gait”, May 2012– August 2013.
- Alicia Kokoszka (MSc) “Does the use of kinesiology type tape have a role in improving ankle proprioception and postural balance in elderly following a sagittal plane perturbation of the support surface during gait?”, Sept 2012– Dec 2013.
- Timothy Worden (MSc) “Obstacle avoidance while performing a concurrent cognitive task in healthy young adults: A dual-task training study”. Sept. 2011 – Dec 2012.
- Daniel Rapoport (MSc) “Age related differences in safe path selection: Determining the width that people will walk around or through an aperture.” Sept. 2010 – Dec 2011.
- Peri Abdulla (MSc) “Locomotor Adjustments for Obstacle Clearance in Healthy and Diabetic Children: A Dual Task Paradigm.” Sept. 2010 – Aug 2011.
- William Mitchell (MSc) “The effects of previous ankle injury on force transduction and stabilizing muscles during an ankle cut maneuver” Sept. 2010 – Aug 2011.
- Katherine Kruse (MSc) “Examining the relationship between falls risk and sarcopenia in two older adults populations”, Sept 2009 – Aug 2010.
Former Trainees (URA, USRA, Co-op and work study)
Undergraduate Research Assistants
2024 Jerry You (Co-op)
2024 Alexa Nguyen (work study)
2023 Julia Shannon (U of Guelph; Anne Daag Scholarship)
2023 Julia De Oliveria (U of Guelph CBS Summer Internship)
2022 Julia Shannon (UofGuelph President’s Scholar)
2021 Lisa Wedel, Bridget Coyle-Asbil, Aneesh Viswamohan
2020 Rayann Henderson
2020 Jake Chaput
2016 Keaton Inkol – NSERC funded
2015 Janine Mahoney
2014 Pratham Singh – NSERC funded
2014 Joel Winsor